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摄影 | 天真蓝







Gioia Serena Wang,毕业于上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校,即将前往伦敦政治经济学院就读政治学。

Yoran Beisher,毕业于上海德威外籍人员子女学校,即将前往不列颠哥伦比亚大学尚德商学院。




I think one very good thing about IB is that it helps me to become a better person with time management skills. My suggestion is to plan ahead through things like memos and notes, and for me I kept a small notebook before exams to note down all the timetables and seats and revision plans. So you can see this is a snapshot of my own dashboard in manage back. We can see that there are a lot of deadlines here,so you have to plan ahead.






The first lesson is communication is key, as a cliche it sound, please ask for help from the teachers or peers or parents, even your pets. It’s so much easier to go through all with all the people by your side than being alone.

The second one is don’t take anyone for granted,appreciate the support and your friends and family have given you throughout this time. please remember to treat people nicely even though you’re stressed out.

The third one is confusion and mistakes are necessary for growth. Mistakes are necessary to make you understand what is going on. We’re all capable of great things, we just have to turn our misfortune into valuable lessons.

Last but not least, you have to take a break. One or two episodes of Friends or Rick and Morty is not going to ruin your life as long as you control yourself and you pun ahead. In high school it’s just the beginning of a very exciting life full of adventure, good food and many interesting people and stories to tell.



These three thing combined won’t necessarily help you figure out what you want to pursue in life, but instead it will just be a nice starting point. The curiosity will help become the initial spark, the tools will help you figure out where you fit in, and the people you care about will be the motivation that pushes you forward when times get tough.



Joy Ma,毕业于上海美国外籍人员子女学校,目前就读于塔夫茨大学。


Sheryl Huang,毕业于上海耀中外籍人员子女学校,尚未在多伦多大学/皇家兽医学院/剑桥大学中做出决定。

Michele Cazzou,毕业于上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校,即将前往英国及爱尔兰现代音乐学院。





左起Yoran Beisher、江鹏宇、窦竞萌、Joy Ma、俞皓蓝



请用2个关键词形容你们从国际教育里得到的最大收获 #

Yoran Beisher:

Understanding——Being in international education means that you’re surrounded by so many different people of different cultures and back. Being able to be with such an international community really helps remove a lot of stigma and help understanding these different cultures.





Joy Ma:

性格与交友——国际化学校的教学形式与内容和传统学校完全不同,这意味着你必须向老师提出你的困惑和需求,也必须时常和同学沟通,因此国际教育改变了我的性格, 让我在与人交流时变得更加自信。



探索自我的能力与独立性——种类丰富的课程给了我们很多尝试的机会,我在高一、高二时对艺术很感兴趣,所以A Level选择了艺术、生物、化学和数学,但在学习的过程中,我发现自己对生物化学更感兴趣,因此最终选择了生物化学专业。但A Level的艺术课程仍然给予了我艺术创想的能力。此外,学习国际课程的同学们应该都有体会,老师可能只是起到引导作用,很多时候要靠我们自己去搜索一些课外资料、阅读相关书籍。






Joy Ma:

I think you gotta start in middle school. The main reason for that is in international education, it’s not only the content that are different, it’s the format. You’re gonna rely a lot on your writing skills and even you’re in science and math classes, there’s a lot of writing. And if you’re not used to write in English in some of those class, then I guess it’s a harder journey to adapt to and you would want to start early for that. Besides the writing-heavy element, I would say also just the different formats in the lessons you have like the round-table discussions, you have to get used to doing a lot of public speaking and presentations in front of your classmates.




左起Gioia Serena Wang、Michele Cazzou、Sheryl Huang、俞皓蓝



请与我们分享一下申请海外高校的小秘诀 #

Serena Wang:

Applying for UK, they really care about your personal interest in your major. Read a lot of books on your major if you’re plan to the UK. Try to utilize all of the reading and all the things you learned in your personal statement.


Michele Cazzou:

When you start your middle school and high school curriculum, you really need to be serious with yourself and ask yourself, by the time I graduate, what do I want to be doing for the rest of my life or what do I want to be doing for a significant portion of my life. You need to make sure that when you are going through school, you always are critical of your interests, and you should always ask yourself, am I OK with doing this thing for a very long time. If you get to the end of high school without knowing what you want to do, you have so many choices still available to you. So a bit contradictory but you kind of want to figure out what you want to do as soon as possible, but if you don’t, don’t worry, there’s still lots of time.


Sheryl Huang:

Don’t be discouraged by the step backs that you haven’t encountered. Be positive and also keep your head up because even though I knew my chances to get into Cambridge was low, I still gave it a try and turned out OK.



Sheryl Huang:

Before you apply, you should see if you’re really determined to one major, if you are then, maybe UK is a better choice. If you’re undecided yet, maybe US and Canada would be a better choice for you. And it also depends on what major you’re applying, for example, you’re applying for medicine or dentistry, they don’t offer a bachelor’s degree in the US or Canada, but only in the UK. For US and Canada, it’s 8 years long and for the UK, you can go straight into the major which is about 5 years long I think. So it depends on your major and what country you really want to go to and the time length of that major.


Michele Cazzou:

Do your research on every country that has university that has your course, every country is very different, even in the UK alone, so many different cities that are completely different to each other. London is completely different to Exeter, they are almost two different countries, the accent is so different that almost two different languages. So make sure you do your research on every city within that country.



— END —

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