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– 01 –















Emma steps up to fight hunger by joining the FareShare FootSteps Challenge

By Emilia Hu


A long walk is a good way to work up an appetite, but for inspirational* Prep student Emma Reade it’s also a way to solve hunger. Emma, 6, is taking part in the FareShare FootSteps Challenge, promising to walk 100km to raise money to help feed people in need.

And her efforts are already paying off. So far she’s clocked up 19km and is on the top of the Little FootSteps leaderboard, well on the way to meeting her fundraising goal of $2000. “Moving makes you feel happy and helping other people makes you feel happy too,” Emma said.

“Every school day I am walking, running or riding 1km. Then on the weekends I am doing a lot more. I have been going up and down my long driveway – sometimes I even stop and feed the cows.” Growing up in country Victoria with lots of fruits and vegetables in her home garden, Emma understands the importance of nutritious* food.

“It helps us grow and stay healthy. It also helps us stay alive and have lots of energy,” she said. The FootSteps Challenge is run by charity kitchen FareShare and was inspired by its chefs who walk about 15km a day as they turn rescued and donated food into 50,000 free and nutritious meals for the needy each week.

The charity rescues fresh produce, including from supermarkets, manufacturers, farmers and wholesale businesses*, that would otherwise be thrown out because it is surplus* and has not been used.

A small team of FareShare chefs and 1500 community volunteers cook home-style meals, including roasts, casseroles, pastas and savoury pastries, for hundreds of charities across Australia, including soup vans, homeless shelters, women’s refuges and community food banks.

The FootSteps Challenge encourages participants to “move for meals” by walking, running, riding or even swimming their target distance of 25km, 50km, 100km or 150km over 15 days. This year’s FootSteps Challenge runs from Sunday, October 3, to Sunday, October 17.

News from: KidsNews


– 02 –







但是其实“她”并非一直如此,在香料行业起家之前的 18 和 19 世纪,小镇是一个散发着腐臭味的地方。

格拉斯香水博物馆馆长洛朗·波普维尔提道:“格拉斯在中世纪,尤其是 16 世纪,是以皮革闻名欧洲的。

由于大量制造皮革,该镇散发着动物尸体和碱液的臭味。随后,手套制造商首先尝试使用一种称为“浸渍(jìn zì)”的技术,使他们的产品变得好闻。他们使用动物脂肪,在脂肪中放入鲜花,脂肪就会吸收鲜花的香味,浸泡两个月后,他们将获得香水油膏。使用这些香水油膏给皮手套上香,味道就会好闻很多!”



他说,祖母和姐妹们也会在旧石墙环绕的梯田里采摘茉莉花。茉莉花非常娇嫩,必须手工采摘。在小花枯萎之前,它们会被迅速运送到不到一英里外的工厂,在那里提取出 “浓缩”和“纯正”的花香。

1 公斤香水需要 7,000 到 10,000 朵茉莉花,而提取一公斤茉莉花精油大约需要一吨鲜花。每公斤精油的价值超过 50,000 欧元,约合 59,000 美元。



In France’s Perfume Capital Of The World, There’s A World Of Beautiful Fragrance

By Isabella Chang


GRASSE, France — The town of Grasse sits in the hills above the more famous French Riviera city of Cannes, and it doesn’t have the Mediterranean Sea at its doorstep. What it does have is fields of flowers — jasmine, May rose, tuberose, lavender. It is known as the perfume capital of the world.

It wasn’t always this way. Back in the 18th and 19th centuries, the industry took off in Grasse in part because this was an absolutely putrid-smelling town.

“Grasse, in the Middle Ages and especially in the 16th century, is well known all over Europe for leather, not for perfume,” says Laurent Pouppeville, the director of Grasse’s perfume museum.

Thanks to its tanneries, the town reeked of dead animals and lye. It was the glove makers who first tried to make their product smell better, using a technique called maceration.

“They used animal fat and they’re going to put flowers in this fat and so the fat is going to take the perfume of the flowers,” Pouppeville explains. “And they’re going to obtain after two months a perfume pomade. And they’re going to perfume the leather gloves with these perfume pomades.”

The tanners switched to full-time perfume making after taxes on leather rose too high. The hillside springs they once channeled to clean the hides were instead used to distill perfume and water the fields of flowers.

Pierre Chiarla, a grower standing in a field of jasmine in full bloom, is with a small group plucking the tiny white blossoms from bright green bushes planted in long rows. He says his grandmother and her sisters picked jasmine in this same terraced field rimmed by an old stone wall.

Chiarla says jasmine is so delicate that it still must be picked by hand. Before the tiny flowers can wilt, they are quickly transported to a factory less than a mile away, where the pure flower scent, known as “concrete” and “absolute,” is extracted.

It takes between 7,000 and 10,000 jasmine flowers to make up 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds). And it takes about a ton of flowers to extract a kilo of jasmine absolute. Each kilo is worth over 50,000 euros, about $59,000.

News from: NPR


– 03 –









来自 UEA 生物科学学院的项目首席科学家 马丁•泰勒 博士说:“目前,人们通常会以龙虾的大小来估计它的年龄,但这是不准确的,因为个体龙虾的生长速度是不同的。长期以来,似乎没有更准确的方法来量化龙虾的年龄。

一些研究表明,使用眼柄和内脏的“生长环”来测量龙虾的年龄,这有点像计算树木的年轮一样 ,但这种方法对活龙虾是行不通的。”



研究小组使用了一种新的的方法,该方法依赖于量化龙虾体内随着年龄增长而积累的 DNA变化,国家龙虾孵化场观测了龙虾由卵至成长的各个阶段。泰勒博士说:“我们发现年龄和 DNA 修饰存在着很强的关联,这使我们能够准确估计单个龙虾的年龄。”


新闻来源:https://phys.org/news/ 东英吉利大学


Ageing the unageable Researchers develop new way to age lobsters

By Grayson


Scientists at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have identified a way of determining the age of a lobster based on its DNA. Lobsters are notoriously difficult to age. Nobody knows exactly how old they can get, and some experts have estimated they could live on the ocean floor for as long as a century or more.

But a new DNA-based technique developed at UEA in collaboration with the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) and the National Lobster Hatchery, could help manage lobster fisheries more sustainably. Scientist in charge Dr. Martin Taylor, from UEA’s School of Biological Sciences, said: “Until now, a lobster’s age has usually been estimated using its size—but this is inaccurate as individual lobsters grow at different rates.

“For a long time, it appeared that there was no accurate way to quantify a lobster’s age. Some research suggested that you could tell a lobsters age by counting the rings in parts of their eyestalks and stomach—a little like counting tree rings. But you can’t do that for a living lobster.” Dr. Eleanor Fairfield, whose Ph.D. research led to the breakthrough, said: “Lobsters have hard, inelastic shells and so in order to grow they must shed their old shell and replace it with a new one. However, lobsters of the same age don’t always grow and moult at the same time. For example, lobsters with more food or in warmer waters can grow more quickly, which makes it really hard to know how old lobsters actually are.

“It is crucial to be able to estimate how many lobsters of particular ages are present in a given area so that they can be sustainably harvested. “We wanted to develop a new, non-lethal method of determining the age of European lobsters that could be of better use for lobster fisheries management. The European lobster was an ideal species to study because it is economically and ecologically very important.”

The research team used a method that relies on quantifying DNA changes that accumulate with age within a lobster. Lobsters raised from eggs by the National Lobster Hatchery, so that the exact ages of individuals was known, allowed the researchers to calibrate their methods.

Dr. Taylor said: “We identified a very strong relationship between age and DNA modifications, which allowed us to accurately estimate the ages of individual lobsters.

Dr. Carly Daniels, head of production science and development at the National Lobster Hatchery said: “Having an accurate indication of lobster age will help fisheries, scientists and conservationists alike to understand, manage and conserve our vulnerable lobster stocks, working hand-in-hand with proactive fisheries management strategies.”

News from: https://phys.org/news/

Provided by University of East Anglia


– 04 –

















An Ancient Tablet, Stolen Then Acquired By Hobby Lobby, Will Be Returned To Iraq

By Nathaniel Chang


A 3,500-year-old clay tablet that was looted from an Iraqi museum 30 years ago is headed back to Iraq. Known as the Gilgamesh Dream Tablet, it was acquired by the company Hobby Lobby in 2014 for display in the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C. U.S. authorities seized it in 2019, saying it was stolen and needed to be returned.

That return is happening Thursday at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. It is part of a group of about 17,000 looted antiquities that the U.S. agreed to return to Iraq. Some of them went back in July. “By returning these illegally acquired objects, the authorities here in the United States and in Iraq are allowing the Iraqi people to reconnect with a page in their history,” UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay said in a statement.

The tablet measures 5 by 6 inches. It features inscriptions in Sumerian, the language of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization. The text includes a section of the epic of Gilgamesh, a poem believed to have been written at least 4,000 years ago. During the Gulf War in 1991, Saddam Hussein’s regime lost control of regions of Iraq and several regional museums were looted of historic objects, possibly including the tablet.

By 2001, it had made its way to a London antiquities dealer, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Then it was on to antiquities dealers in the U.S. and then back to London where in 2014 the auction house Christie’s sold it to Hobby Lobby for $1.67 million.

Hobby Lobby sued Christie’s, saying the auction house provided false documentation about the tablet’s history. Christie’s said it did not know the documents were false at the time. Hobby Lobby’s owners are also the founders of the Museum of the Bible. The museum opened in 2017. Hobby Lobby President Steve Green began collecting artifacts in 2009 for the museum, but admits he knew little about collecting early on and did not adequately make sure that he was not buying stolen items.

In 2017, Hobby Lobby agreed to pay a $3 million fine in a settlement with the Justice Department and agreed to return thousands of clay tablets that were illegally imported.

Green announced in March 2020 that he would return 11,500 objects to the governments of Iraq and Egypt.

News from: NPR


– 05 –



国庆日和黄金假期——中文小主播: 金粲宸



National Day——By Joseph



News from:www.chinaeducationaltours.com



  1. 澳洲“食物分享组织”举办的“运动挑战赛”目的是什么?
  2. 请问世界香水之都是在哪里?
  3. 科学家是采用什么方法来测定欧洲龙虾的年龄?
  4. “吉尔伽美什梦幻泥板”是属于哪个国家的文物?
  5. 国庆节假期全国各地各放假几天?






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