小菁看世界 | 双语资讯(9.20-9.24)



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编辑 | Emma、高晴
文、图、视频 | 整理自网络

– 01 –











Sword of Goujian transportation card

By Minne He


On September 16, the Hubei Provincial Museum released the “Sword of Goujian” transportation card and it soon became a hot topic on China’s twitter-like social media platform, Sina Weibo.

The Sword of Goujian was unearthed in 1965 from the No 1 Wangshan Tomb, in Jiangling city, Hubei province. Made of bronze, the sword is more than 2,000 years old but still remains in good condition despite the passage of time. It is incredibly sharp, able to slice through 20 pieces of paper with a flick.

The traffic card’s design is inspired by the ancient artefact. The texture of the sword body and the bird seal inscription are clearly visible.

The card can be used in 303 cities across the country by bus and subway, including cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and so on.

(News from: China Daily)


– 02 –




经过多年激烈的公众抵制, Ringling Bros.和Barnum&Bailey马戏团终于在2016年关闭,并且宣布了他们的亚洲大象得以退休。虽然这一决定对动物爱好者和保护者来说是一个巨大的胜利,但它又提出了一个新的问题。这些大象是在人工圈(juàn)养的环境里长大,缺乏必要的野外生存技能。不过,佛罗里达州的白橡树保护区,已经为这些动物抛出了橄榄枝,给了它们一个可以自由漫游的新家。








Retired Circus Elephants Move To New Home With Plenty Of Room To Explore

By Dora Gu


After years of intense public pushback, the now-shuttered Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus finally announced the retirement of their Asian elephant performers in 2016. While the decision was a resounding victory for animal lovers and activists, it raised a new issue. The mighty pachyderms were raised in captivity and lacked the skills to survive in the wild. Now, thanks to Florida-based White Oak Conservation, the animals have a new home — one where they can roam freely.

Located about 30 miles north of Jacksonville, Florida, the sprawling 17,000-acre facility is home to between 350 and 400 animals comprising 35 endangered species. They include rhinos, cheetahs, giraffes, and okapis.

The conservation center welcomed the first batch of retired circus elephants in May 2021. The 12 female elephants, which include two sets of full sisters and numerous half-sisters, range from 8 to 38 years old. To make the transition easier, they were socialized together for several months before being moved. The majestic animals will be joined by the remaining 20 as soon as the additional areas to house them are completed.

The 2,500-acre sanctuary is modeled after the elephant’s natural habitat in the wild. The diverse environments include pine forests, meadows, and wetlands, all connected for easy transition by foot. The animals can wander in the woods, relax in the mud, or swim in one of the eleven specially-built water holes. The elephants can also spend their days relaxing inside the specially-built barns close to their human caregivers.

White Oak Conservation is not the only non-profit helping rehabilitate retired circus elephants. On September 23, 2021, Georgia-based Elephant Refuge North America (ERNA) will welcome Bo. The 34-year-old male elephant has spent the past 30 years performing for the George Carden Circus.

Bo will be housed in a seven-acre habitat complete with pastures, woods, a pond, and a new custom-designed, fully automated elephant house. The pachyderm’s habitat will be expanded to 100 acres once ERNA can raise sufficient funds to reinforce the perimeter fencing. The conservation center also hopes to add nine more retired elephants to the sanctuary.

News from: Dogo News


– 03 –















Here’s Why The Arc De Triomphe Was Just Wrapped In Fabric

By Jerry


The Arc de Triomphe — the star attraction in the Place de l’Étoile in Paris — is shrouded in fabric today, as a tribute to the late artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

It is “a sensual, popular and monumental gesture,” according to Carine Rolland, the deputy mayor of Paris in charge of culture.

While the official English name for the project is L’Arc de Triomphe, Wrapped,

Preparations for the temporary installation took about three months. But a time-lapse video shows that the installation’s fabric was unfurled from the top and guided to the bottom of one side of the monument in a single day.

The massive monument is now covered in 25,000 square meters of recyclable polypropylene fabric that is a silver-blue color, along with 3,000 meters of red rope. The installation will remain in place for 16 days, officially running from Sept. 18 to Oct. 3.

The project was 60 years in the making. Christo and Jeanne-Claude began transforming public spaces into their now-famous works of art in 1961, according to the artists’ website. Soon afterward, Christo, who became fascinated by the Arc de Triomphe when he lived near the monument, produced a photomontage showing what it might look like wrapped up. Now, the site states, “the project will finally be concretized.”

Christo and Jeanne-Claude met in Paris in 1958, starting a relationship that led to marriage and one of the world’s most famous artistic collaborations. Jeanne-Claude died in 2009; before Christo died in 2020, he asked that the Arc de Triomphe project be completed posthumously.

The project was not as simple as simply closing a large set of drapes. Before the massive curtains could be installed, a small army of climbers and other workers installed scaffolding and brackets around the top of the Arc de Triomphe and parts of its pillars, to protect sculptures and decorative carvings. The brackets also help the material hang uniformly.

“In Paris, Christo and Jeanne-Claude dreamed of packaging the ArcDeTriomphe,” Hidalgo said via Twitter. She thanked the teams who brought that dream to life — as well as “this couple whose works will remain among the most outstanding of our era.”

News from NPR


– 04 –











Space travel trio returns to earth for the Mid Autumn Festival!

By Coco Wang


On orbit “business trip” for more than 90 days, “space trio” successfully returned to Earth on September 17, 2021, landing safely in the predetermined area of the Dongfeng landing site. The three astronauts of Shenzhou 12, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo, are in good condition.

Since its launch on June 17, astronauts have completed many tasks and presented many ” Mukbang! ” They were able to enjoy more than 100 kinds of food on the space station. The food was also divided into a variety of cuisines, including not only shredded fish meat, but also kung pao chicken. In the weightless environment of space, astronauts’ food is often made into small packages, which can be eaten in one bite. If astronauts want to drink water or drinks, they can squeeze it into their mouth bit by bit directly from their plastic pockets.

During their space business trip, the three astronauts were busy with fitness, physical examination, and decoration in the space station, and established a meticulous space laboratory, walking in space with the help of a mechanical arm. The crew also use a “space treadmill,” “space bike,” and “tension belt” to maintain health through exercise. The crew members also help each other to do blood tests, perform storage and sorting tasks, as well as decorate their own sanitary area. It is reported that after returning to Earth, the astronauts will be isolated for 14 days. It turned out that their immunity decreased due to long-term flight. For the consideration of protecting astronauts, various measures have been taken to avoid uncontrolled contact between personnel and astronauts in the first stage after returning. After Shenzhou 12 returns to earth, Shenzhou 13 spacecraft will also be launched during National Day in 2021. There will also be a female astronaut in the new “space travel trio.” Their travel time will be long, reaching six months!

News source: CNR

Translated by: 高晴

Proofread by: Kirk


– 05 –






相对于它们的体重,蝙蝠拥有动物王国中最重的翅膀,这似乎会增加这些体操动作的难度。除此之外,蝙蝠有着坚固的骨骼,它不像鸟类的骨头和关节是中空的。根据PBS“新闻一小时”的Nsikan Akpan报道:“蝙蝠会将其笨重的翅膀变为优势,把这些额外的重量转化为完成独特姿态的力量,这类似于滑板运动员和花样滑冰运动员的踢腿翻转和旋转动作”。






This is how bats can land upside down

By 杨濡溪


“Bats land in a unique way,” Brown University biologist Sharon Swartz, said in a statement. “They have to go from flying with their heads forward to executing an acrobatic maneuver that puts them head down and feet up. No other flying animal lands the same way as bats do.” Relative to their body weight, bats have some of the heaviest wings in the animal kingdom. That seems like it would increase the difficulty of these gymnastic feats.

Bats also have to deal with having solid bones. This is unlike birds. The bones and joints of birds are hollow. But instead of being kept down by their weight, bats use their relatively heavy bodies to their advantage. They fling their bodies around. It is similar to how skateboarders and figure skaters pull off kick flips and pirouettes. This is according to Nsikan Akpan for the PBS Newshour. To figure out how bats pull this trick off, Swartz teamed up with Brown University engineer Kenny Breuer. They studied the bats’ landings. To do it, they used a high-speed video camera. They slowed down the bat’s flight. They realized that the furry fliers directed their body’s inertia by tucking in one wing and keeping the other extended. It shifted their center of gravity. That allowed them to flip around despite their weight.

Birds can fly upside down and have lighter wings. But bats are more nimble fliers. That is thanks to having many more joints and muscles in their wings. This allows them to pull off deft movements using their own inertia very quickly. In Swartz and Breuer’s experiment, it took the bats less than a second to flip upside down for their landings. It suggested that what they lack in aerodynamics, they make up for in mastering their own inertia, Akpan reports. “It never would have occurred to me that aerodynamics would play such a small role in landing. I always think of flight as a primarily aerodynamic phenomenon. Wings are aerodynamic organs, and landing seems so obviously to be a flight behavior,” Swartz tells Akpan. “Inertia can play an important role in flight dynamics, but the relative unimportance of aerodynamics is still quite astonishing.”

Knowing how bats turn their body weight to their advantage doesn’t just give scientists new insight into how they fly. It might also help engineers design new drones and small flying vehicles that can take advantage of shifting their mass in exchange for better control.

News from: Tweentribune

Translated by: 高晴

Proofread by: Kirk



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