在国际学校的课程设置中,戏剧是一个重要的组成部分,而每年的年度大戏也往往会收获全校师生关注的目光。国际学校里的戏剧教育如何开展?我们请上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校的艺术总监Michael Larsen-Disney介绍了该校的戏剧课程及相关活动。
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上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校艺术总监Michael Larsen-Disney
在国际学校的课程设置中,戏剧是一个重要的组成部分,而每年的年度大戏也往往会收获全校师生关注的目光。国际学校里的戏剧教育如何开展?我们请上海惠灵顿外籍人员子女学校的艺术总监Michael Larsen-Disney介绍了该校的戏剧课程及相关活动。
我们目前正在排练高中部学生的音乐剧《绿魔先生》(Little Shop of Horror),这次演出已获得纽约MTI的授权制作。这部音乐剧由大约40名表演者、8名表演乐队成员以及10名教师带领的道具制作团队参与制作。演员和工作人员的年龄从13岁到18岁不等。
这个故事讲的是一个温顺的花匠,Seymour Krelborn,无意中发现了一种新的植物,将它取名为“Audrey II”——以他的同事Audrey也是他的暗恋对象的名字命名。这个满嘴脏话、唱着R&B歌曲的食肉植物(Audrey II)承诺,只要Krelborn不断地喂它血,就会为他带来无穷无尽的名誉和财富。然而,随着时间的推移,Krelborn发现Audrey II远远超越了它本身的力量,甚至意图统治全世界!
Please share with us the drama curricula/programs at Wellington College International Shanghai. What year groups are involved in drama activities?
At Wellington College International Shanghai, we fundamentally believe in the benefits of learning drama throughout a child’s education. We deliver elements of drama in the Early Years and Pre-Prep through classroom teaching and then have specialist lessons in drama and dance from year 3 within our core curriculum. These classes extend up to year 10 when pupils can choose to study an IGCSE in drama and culminate in the ability to take an IB in theatre in years 12&13.
As well as the drama offered within the curriculum, we also have extensive co-curricular activities in drama offered throughout the College, where pupils will have the chance to expand their knowledge and ultimately have the ability to perform in productions, concerts and plays.
What is the most challenging part in teaching drama? Do you have any special teaching methods/strategies to help students engage in the program?
The most challenging part about teaching drama is to initially encourage the more introverted or shy pupils to engage with the subject and take what we call “creative risk”. All pupils benefit from the elements taught within the curriculum but taking the initial step to be creative can be a challenge to some pupils. We provide a safe, non-judgmental environment to encourage full participation. We also do not do comparative assessment of pupils until senior school and at that time only to guide choices in IGCSEs.
Musicals are one of the main genres of drama, and I have learned from the school website that Wellington regularly performs musicals. Can you please give us an introduction of your upcoming musical?
At Wellington we have performance opportunities within a professional environment. We also believe that musicals are very good vehicles for pupil learning as they incorporate the three main performance skills in a performance. Our pupils need to learn to act, sing and dance, and perform to a level as near to professional as a young person can. We currently produce 3 major musicals a year. One is for years 3-5, one for years 5-8 and finally a production which is either whole school or Senior School (depending on the show).
We are currently rehearsing ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ for the Senior School which is produced under license from MTI (Music Theatre International) in New York. The production has approximately 40 performers, 8 show band members and a team of 10 teacher led prop makers who are creating the plants. The cast and crew range in age from 13 to 18.
As Director of the piece, ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ is a dream, as it combines all the elements essential to a good night’s entertainment with good music, some real drama, comedy and the chance to flex our technical muscles.
The story is about a meek floral assistant, Seymour Krelborn, who stumbles across a new breed of plant he names “Audrey II” – after his secret love, Audrey, his co-worker. The foul-mouthed, R&B-singing carnivorous plant (Audrey II) promises unending fame and fortune to the down and out Krelborn as long as he keeps feeding it, BLOOD. Over time, though, Krelborn discovers Audrey II’s out of this world origins and intent towards global domination!
The show will be performed on December 6, 7 and 8 at 7pm in our incredible College Theatre.
As a professional performing arts teacher, in your opinion, how can young students benefit from drama education?
Drama is one of the most important subjects that any pupil can learn as it can future proof a pupil and prepare them for challenges in both education and life. The core skills learned within a drama curriculum are creativity, communication and team work; skills required to be successful in any career. The future is unknown in terms of what jobs will even exist when our youngest pupils are through their required education. By giving them the essential, transferable skills listed above, we enable them to engage differently with the world and meet the many challenges in an open and creative way.
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