逛择校展,和招生官怎么聊?2025JISE “择校教室”主题公布,话题都帮家长想好了




Comprehensive Analysis of International Curriculum Systems: Differences and Choices Among IB, AP, A-Level, and More 



Common Questions from Parents: 

  1. IB、AP、A-Level课程有什么区别?哪个更适合我的孩子?

What are the differences between IB, AP, and A-Level? Which one is more suitable for my child?

  1. 这些国际课程对申请国外大学有什么帮助?

How do these international curricula help with applying to foreign universities?

  1. 孩子从公立学校转到国际课程体系,能否适应?

Can my child adapt to an international curriculum after transferring from a public school?

  1. 国际课程的难度如何?孩子会不会压力过大?

How difficult are international curricula? Will my child be under too much pressure?

  1. 选择国际课程后,是否还能参加国内高考?

Can my child still take the national college entrance exam after choosing an international curriculum?



Common Misconceptions: 

  1. 误区:国际课程比国内课程简单,孩子学起来更轻松。

Misconception: International curricula are easier than domestic ones, so children will have an easier time.


Fact: International curricula focus on comprehensive quality development, with high academic demands, requiring students to have strong self-learning abilities.

  1. 误区:选择国际课程就意味着一定要出国留学。

Misconception: Choosing an international curriculum means my child must study abroad.


Fact: International curricula also provide diverse升学 paths, and students in some systems can still choose to take the national college entrance exam.

  1. 误区:所有国际课程都差不多,随便选一个就行。

Misconception: All international curricula are similar, so it doesn’t matter which one we choose.


Fact: Different curricula have different teaching goals, assessment methods, and suitability for different types of students. The choice should be based on the child’s interests and future plans.



Is Bilingual Education Essential or Overrated? How to Scientifically Choose Bilingual Schools and Programs 



Common Questions from Parents: 

  1. 双语教育对孩子未来的升学和发展有多大帮助?

How much does bilingual education help with my child’s future升学 and development?

  1. 双语学校的中文和英文教学比例如何分配?会不会影响孩子的母语能力?

How is the ratio of Chinese and English instruction in bilingual schools? Will it affect my child’s native language ability?

  1. 孩子从小接受双语教育,会不会导致语言混淆?

Will early bilingual education cause language confusion for my child?

  1. 双语学校的学费普遍较高,是否值得投资?

Bilingual schools are generally more expensive. Is it worth the investment?

  1. 如何判断一所双语学校的教学质量?

How can I evaluate the teaching quality of a bilingual school?



Common Misconceptions: 

  1. 误区:双语教育就是简单地用两种语言上课。

Misconception: Bilingual education simply means teaching in two languages.


Fact: True bilingual education emphasizes deep integration of language and culture, not just switching between languages.

  1. 误区:双语教育只适合未来计划出国的孩子。

Misconception: Bilingual education is only suitable for children planning to study abroad.


Fact: The language skills and cross-cultural understanding developed through bilingual education are beneficial for any child’s future development.

  1. 误区:双语学校的中文教学水平一定不如公立学校。

Misconception: The Chinese teaching level in bilingual schools must be inferior to that of public schools.


Fact: High-quality bilingual schools balance Chinese and English instruction to ensure students’ native language abilities are not neglected.



How to Choose a Kindergarten? What Matters Most? — A Comprehensive Guide from Educational Philosophies to Practical Experiences 



Common Questions from Parents: 

  1. 选择幼儿园时,应该优先考虑哪些因素?

What factors should I prioritize when choosing a kindergarten?

  1. 公立幼儿园和私立幼儿园有什么区别?哪个更适合我的孩子?

What are the differences between public and private kindergartens? Which one is more suitable for my child?

  1. 幼儿园的教育理念(如蒙台梭利、瑞吉欧等)对孩子的发展有多大影响?

How much do educational philosophies (e.g., Montessori, Reggio Emilia) impact my child’s development?

  1. 如何判断一所幼儿园的师资力量和教学质量?

How can I evaluate the teaching staff and quality of a kindergarten?

  1. 幼儿园的硬件设施和安全性如何评估?

How can I assess the facilities and safety of a kindergarten?



Common Misconceptions: 

  1. 误区:幼儿园只是带孩子玩,学不到什么知识。

Misconception: Kindergartens are just for playing, and children don’t learn much.


Fact: The kindergarten stage is a critical period for children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development. High-quality kindergartens use scientific educational methods to promote holistic development.

  1. 误区:学费越高的幼儿园越好。

Misconception: The more expensive the kindergarten, the better it is.


Fact: The quality of a kindergarten is not solely determined by tuition fees. Parents should focus on educational philosophies, teaching staff, and their child’s actual experience.

  1. 误区:幼儿园离家越近越好,其他因素可以忽略。

Misconception: The closer the kindergarten is to home, the better, and other factors can be ignored.


Fact: While proximity is important, educational quality and the child’s adaptability are more critical.



College Application, Transition, Gaokao or Studying Abroad? How to Plan and Choose Educational Paths in Advance 



Common Questions from Parents: 

  1. 孩子未来是参加高考还是出国留学,应该如何选择?

Should my child take the college entrance exam or study abroad? How should we decide?

  1. 如果计划出国留学,应该从什么时候开始准备?

If planning to study abroad, when should we start preparing?

  1. 从公立学校转到国际学校,孩子需要做哪些适应?

What adjustments will my child need to make when transitioning from a public school to an international school?

  1. 高考和出国留学是否可以同时准备?如何平衡?

Can my child prepare for both the college entrance exam and studying abroad? How to balance the two?

  1. 如何根据孩子的兴趣和特长选择适合的教育路径?

How to choose the right educational path based on my child’s interests and strengths?



Common Misconceptions: 

  1. 误区:出国留学比参加高考更容易。

Misconception: Studying abroad is easier than taking the college entrance exam.


Fact: Studying abroad requires long-term preparation in language skills, academic abilities, and comprehensive qualities, and the competition is equally intense.

  1. 误区:高考和出国留学只能二选一,无法兼顾。

Misconception: You can only choose between the college entrance exam and studying abroad; you can’t do both.


Fact: Some students can prepare for both through careful planning, but it requires more effort.

  1. 误区:教育规划可以等到高中再开始。

Misconception: Educational planning can wait until high school.


Fact: Educational planning should start early, especially since language skills and comprehensive qualities require long-term development.


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