小菁读新闻,孩子们读的新闻 | 双语版(2021.8.23-8.27)



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– 01 – 








Ambassador Qin Gang Delivered Birthday Message to Giant Panda Xiao Qi Ji at Smithsonian

By Mina

On August 21, Smithsonian’s National Zoo celebrated giant panda cub Xiao Qi Ji’s first birthday. Ambassador Qin Gang expressed birthday wishes to Xiao Qi Ji(Little Miracle)via video, and sent him a birthday gift.

Ambassador Qin said, Xiao Qi Ji came into the world last year during the pandemic. At such a difficult time, his arrival and every bit of his growth have given us joy and hope. For us, he is a miracle. Over the past year, with the care and support from both Chinese and Americans, Xiao Qi Ji has grown from a tiny baby cub to an energetic and curious boy. He also made his public debut not long ago. People have been watching and sharing every step of his life journey and got excited about it. He has truly added a splash of color to the exchanges between Chinese and American people. Ambassador Qin wished him good health and happiness and said that there would be more miracles waiting for him.

Ambassador Qin also shared a piece of good news: Xiao Qi Ji’s family in China is growing bigger and bigger. 40 years ago, his family only had 1100 members in the wild, but now there are 1800. They are not “endangered” any more. But they will be protected as well as before.

The cooperation between China and the U.S. on the protection of giant pandas started in 1972. Xiao Qi Ji was born to Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, who arrived in the U.S. in 2000. Xiao Qi Ji’s name was chosen from an online vote organized by the National Zoo. This little “miracle” has drawn great attention from the American people. Many panda fans flock to the reopened panda house to see Xiao Qi Ji up close.

News from:Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the United States of America (china-embassy.org)


– 02 –

Space 星际飞船完全体:史上最大火箭


近日,SpaceX 公司 CEO 埃隆·马斯克在推特上宣布,SpaceX 星际飞船的原型机被成功吊装到了 Super Heavy Booster 4火箭助推器上,进行组合体验证。随后,这艘 Starship 星际飞船被吊装下,完成测试任务。当被问及亲眼见证这个场景有何感想时,埃隆 马斯克表示,“梦想终于成真”。

这一组合体高达 122m,是人类历史上建造过的最大火箭,比美国阿波罗登月任务的土星 5 号火箭还要高,同时推力约为土星 5 号的两倍,超过 7000 吨。

一台重型起重机将 Starship 星际飞船吊装起来,随后与助推器组合了约 1 个小时,然后被分开。SpaceX 公司此后还需要进行数月的准备,来对这个庞大的 Super Heavy Booster 4 助推器进行测试验证。这个超重型助推器搭载 29 台“猛禽(qín)”发动机,此外 Starship 星际飞船 SN20 底部具有 6 台发动机。


Starship fully assembled to be biggest ever rocket_Edit

By Oscar

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, tweeted recently that the SpaceX Starship prototype was successfully stacked to the Super Heavy Booster 4. Afterwards, the spacecraft was removed for further testing. Elon Musk described it as “a dream come true” when asked about his feeling of the new prototype.

Standing at 122 meters in height, the SpaceX rocket dwarfs any previous launch system, which includes the legendary Saturn V used for the Apollo Mission. When the spaceX rocket lifts off, it will deliver twice the thrust of Saturn V, at about 7000 tons.

A massive crane was needed to couple the Starship spacecraft with the Super Heavy Booster. They were held in position for an hour before then being separated again. SpaceX still has months of testing to prepare for the gigantic Super Heavy Booster 4. The booster segment is equipped with 29 Raptor engines and Starship SN20 has additional 6 engines on its bottom.

(News from:NetEase)

Translated by: Rachel

Proofread by: Yoran/Phil


– 03 –















Rain Fell On The Peak Of Greenland

By Michelle

Greenland saw rain at the highest point of its ice sheet for the first time since scientists have been making observations there, the latest signal of how climate change is affecting every part of the planet.

According to the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center, rain fell for several hours on an area 10,551 feet in elevation on Aug. 14, an unprecedented occurrence for a location that rarely sees temperatures above freezing.

It was also the latest date in the year scientists had ever recorded above-freezing temperatures at the National Science Foundation’s Summit Station.

The rainfall coincided with the ice sheet’s most recent “melt event,” in which temperatures get high enough that the thick ice begins to melt.

Rising global temperatures driven by climate change have made extreme weather events more common. The Greenland Ice Sheet is no exception.

There were two major melt events there in July. Scientists also recorded melt events on the ice sheet in 2019, 2012, and 1995. Before then, “melting is inferred from ice cores to have been absent since an event in the late 1800s,” the center said.

The melting event that occurred during the August rain mirrored those that took place in July, which came about after “a strong low pressure center over Baffin Island and high air pressure southeast of Greenland” pushed warm air and moisture north, the scientists said.

Greenland’s ice sheet — one of just two on Earth, the other in Antarctica — is about 656,000 square miles of glacial land ice, blanketing the majority of the country.

The Arctic region is warming twice as quickly as the rest of the planet under climate change. Global average temperatures have risen about 1 degree Celsius, or almost 2 degrees Fahrenheit, since the growth of industrialization and fossil fuel use in the mid-19th century. The Arctic region has warmed by almost 2 degrees Celsius so far.

Because of hotter global temperatures, Greenland and Antarctica lost enough ice over the last 16 years to fill all of Lake Michigan, a 2020 study found. The melting has implications for people far from Greenland. The ice loss is helping drive sea level rise, threatening coastal communities around the world with flooding.

(News from:NPR)


– 04 –



波兰标枪运动员玛丽亚·安德烈奇克有一颗善良的心,她出售了在东京奥运会上获得的银牌,以资助患病婴儿手术。玛丽亚本人也是位骨癌(ái)幸存者,她以12.5万美元拍卖了奖牌,将这笔钱捐给了一名8 个月大的波兰婴儿。

“婴儿米沃谢克有严重的心脏缺陷,急需手术,”玛丽亚在她的Face Book上写道, “这是我能想到提供帮助的方式,卖掉银牌,这样就能凑够手术费了。” 奖牌最后被一家名为 “扎布卡“的波兰便利连锁店老板拍得。不过,当他得知内情后,立即宣布将奥运奖牌归还玛丽亚,而这笔钱将帮助米沃谢克前往美国斯坦福大学医学中心,接受手术治疗。

玛丽亚还在Face Book上写道:“对我来说,奥运奖牌见证了我追梦的过程,是我努力奋斗的象征,见证了我克服困难的信念和毅力。而我现在非常高兴能将奖牌交给扎布卡这家连锁超市。” 在接受波兰电视台采访时,这位 25 岁的奥运选手还表示:“赢得奖牌给我带来了“巨大的幸福感”,我希望将这种幸福“传递给”需要它的孩子,奖牌的真正价值将永远留在我心中。对我而言,它只是一个物品,但如果可以用来救人,那它就有了价值,而不是放在橱柜里积灰,我愿意用它来帮助生病的孩子。”


玛丽亚在2016年里约奥运会上拿到第四名,以两厘米之差无缘奖牌,之后她因为接受肩膀手术,而错过了整个2017年赛季,后来又在 2018 年被诊断出患有骨癌。在两次重大的人生打击面前,她并没有跌倒,而是坚强地站了起来,在东京奥运会标枪比赛中获得了第二名。以 64.61 米的成绩落后于中国选手刘诗颖,后者以 66.34 米的成绩夺得金牌。




Javelin thrower Maria Andrejczyk sells Olympic medal to save baby

By Bill Mi

Polish javelin thrower Maria Andrejczyk has shown she has a heart of gold, selling the silver medal she won at the Tokyo Olympics to fund lifesaving surgery for a sick baby.

The Olympian, a bone cancer survivor, auctioned off her medal for $175,000 , donating the money to help an eight-month-old Polish boy with a serious heart problem. “Miloszek has a serious heart defect*. He needs an operation,” Andrejczyk wrote on her Facebook page. “It’s for him that I am auctioning my Olympic silver medal.”

The medal was bought by a Polish convenience store chain called Zabka, which promptly* announced it was letting Andrejczyk keep the medal. The money will help pay for an operation for Miloszek at Stanford University Medical Center in the US.

“It is with the greatest pleasure that I am handing over to you Zabka, the little big store chain, my medal, which to me is a symbol of faith* and perseverance* in the face of great obstacles,” Andrejczyk wrote on Facebook.

In an interview on Polish television, the 25-year-old Olympian said winning the medal brought her “enormous happiness” and that she wanted to “pass that happiness on” to a young child who needed it.

“The true value of a medal always remains in the heart,” she said. “A medal is only an object, but it can be of great value to others. “This silver can save lives, instead of collecting dust in a closet. That is why I decided to auction it to help sick children.”

A fundraising page for baby Miloszek says his condition is very serious. His heart defect causes his blood pressure to skyrocket, damaging the arteries in his lungs and his heart. The baby lives with his family in southern Poland and needs to travel to the US for an operation that will give him a chance of survival. Andrejczyk knows what it is like to battle health problems.

After missing out on a medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics by just 2cm, she sat out the next year with a shoulder injury and was then diagnosed with bone cancer in 2018. But she fought back from both challenges to finish second in the javelin at the Tokyo Games. Her silver medal throw of 64.61m was just behind China’s Liu Shiying who threw 66.34m to take the gold.

After it won the auction, Zabka announced on social media that it would let Andrejczyk keep her medal, and make a donation to Miloszek in her name. “We were moved by the beautiful and extremely noble* gesture of our Olympian, so we decided to support the fundraiser for Miloszek,” Zabka tweeted. “We also decided the silver medal will remain with Mrs Maria.”

(News from: KidsNews)


– 05 –







Raindrop Fossil  to Shed Light on the Study of Primitive Earth’s Atmosphere

By Andy Zhang

Members of North Guangdong Research Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics have recentlyfound a raindrop fossilat the top of a mountain while hunting for ammonite fossils in Shuangjiang Town, DongyuanCounty. The fossil is the first fossil of its kind ever found in Heyuan and SouthChina. Shen Liejun, a scientificexpert at ChinaUniversity of Geosciences,said that the discovery will play a significant role in research on local climate and atmospheric changes duringprehistoric times.

Raindrop impressionsare identifiedas sedimentarystructures. They were formed when rainstorm drops fell on mud. The impressions weremade from the force of raindrops falling onto the mud, following which the mud becameburied deep enough within the crust to be subjected to the process of diagenesis with various sediments

. Consequently, they became fossilized. It is believed that thenewly unearthed raindrop fossil, formed in the Triassic period, is extremely rare

While records show raindrop fossils, dating back to Cretaceous period, found someyears ago in Mianyang city, Sichuan province, the 200-million-year-old raindropfossil is the first of its kind ever found in Heyuan and South China. We areconfident that these raindrop fossils will shed light on the study of primitive Earth’s geographical features, geologicfeatures, and climates, all of which have been known to have contributed to theextinction ofdinosaurs.

News from: Heyuan Daily

Translated by: Dorothy’s Dad

Proofread by: Kirk、Yoran



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When I first read the news, I thought it would be easy. Once I started recording, it was more challenging than I thought because there were many sentences and I had practice many times. But I felt very happy after I finish reading the news.


I felt very nervous in the beginning, and we had to record it many times. But after I finished it, I feel good about myself. I also learned some new words and new things about nature and environment.


It makes me relax!I think practice makes perfect!















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