文:Marcel G. Gauthier(上海美国外籍人员子女学校校长)
2019年10月21日,一群勇敢的5年级学生发起“五年级微校园”活动(Microcampus 5),他们来到云南的一个小村庄生活和学习。此次活动是上海美国学校“微校园”项目的延伸,该项目屡获殊荣,由“门外”项目的主任Craig Tafel牵头。每位学生由一名家长陪同,寄宿在美丽的喜洲村里。他们依靠当地专家的帮助,完成各项挑战,增进了对其他社区的了解,并以学习者的身份成长。
“关爱珊瑚”之旅是上海美国学校的一个特色项目,中学生们能够在活动中学习水肺潜水的技巧,提高对海洋生态系统的认识,参与现实世界的保护活动。除了学习潜水、参观环保服务,中学教师Kevin David和Stephen Carozza还与Stairway Foundation合作,学习他们改善海洋环境和世界的故事,令活动得到升华。
Many of us remember a teacher from our youth, one who had a positive influence when we were in school. When we compare notes about that teacher, the qualities are very much the same:
They were inspiring. They loved their subject area and knew it well, they loved to teach, and their enthusiasm was contagious. They inspired us to learn and grow.
They cared. They took an interest in us as individuals, showed a concern for our well-being, our progress and our success. How we fared in their class mattered to them and they showed it.
They challenged us: They pushed us to move beyond our comfort zone and see new capabilities in ourselves. They did not let us settle or what we did naturally well.
These qualities—inspiration, caring and challenge—are still at the heart of what makes a great teacher. We know that students rarely remember individual lessons or homework; they do remember the teachers who made a difference in their lives.
However, the world has changed, and what makes a great teacher has changed with it. What does the world today demand from great teachers?
Collaboration: The old model of my class, my students, my curriculum is no longer adequate. The best teachers are not private contractors; they work in collaboration with their peers to support all students. Our students, our school, our curriculum is now the mantra. The modern workplace demands dynamic collaboration—great teachers model that quality.
Focus on skills more than knowledge: Acquiring knowledge will always be important. A mathematical formula, a historical fact, a chemical composition…However, with today’s technology, knowledge is just a click away. Great teachers do not position themselves as the source of knowledge; instead they focus on applying knowledge to real world problems and issues. They make knowledge relevant.
Growth Mindset: Great teachers model the very passion for lifelong learning that they expect in their students. They grow in their profession, refine their craft, challenge themselves with new teaching strategies. They model continuous learning, so the students embrace it.
Not bound by classroom walls: The world outside the walls of the classroom is waiting, both in actual and virtual terms. Great teachers know learning does not begin and end in the classroom; it reaches beyond it.
Deep sense of ethical responsibility: Today’s world poses social, economic, environmental, political and technological challenges that only a commitment to shared responsibility can overcome. Great teachers remind us that learning has a purpose beyond achieving accolades; it is about making a better world.
Great teaching has never been more relevant than it is today. We need to support it, acknowledge it, invest in it, celebrate it. Our children should all experience a great teacher in their lives, not only for their own growth, but for a better world.
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