There is no growth without challenge. There is no experience without mistakes. There is no progress without risk.
文 | Michael Hauge 图 | 源自网络
- 不影响孩子成绩;
- 不会惹恼惹怒父母;
- 不会错过和朋友们相处的时间。
There is no friendship without trust and no good life without effort. There is no love without sacrifice and no knowledge without skepticism.
Everything that we are expected to strive for and value in this world requires taking risks. Then, I ask, “Why is it that classrooms often train students not to take those risks so necessary to grow as an individual?” If 100% is the goal at all times, where will students learn to be skeptical, take chances, and try applying their knowledge in new ways?
Luckily, students are able to apply their learning in academic subjects in a forum that does not require them to be correct 100% of the time. In fact, in this activity, if a student was proved superior to her/his peers 75% of the time, it would be a world-class performance. We are talking about an activity that is taking Shanghai youth by storm: competitive debate.
You are probably already familiar with debating. You and your child likely do it most days. It happens at the dinner table, in the car on the way to school, and certainly when bedtime is approaching. Students may push back against the rules parents make at home. Perhaps it’s actually because as a teenager, they need to push back against something! At school, they may be unable to – the standard of success is too high to push back or take many changes. Even with innovative learning programs or project-based learning, the ‘rules of the game’ are nearly set in stone. So where does that leave parents and their kids?
Competitive debate and public speaking courses have become a way for students to learn to communicate more effectively without a) risking grades in school, b) upsetting Mom and Dad, and c) sacrificing time away from their friends. For many students, debate is a perfect after school or summer activity to both try to learn and express new ideas in a low-risk and psychologically safe environment as well as spend more time learning together with their friends.
Much like writing, the first draft of a speech is rarely flawless. Students grapple with both their own ideas and the ideas of others, guided by coaches along the way. To embrace making mistakes, receiving feedback, and implementing the feedback quickly makes a great debater and a successful student! Let’s allow kids to make mistakes in a safe space – one where the stakes aren’t so high and one where they can turn challenges into growth opportunities.
There is no growth without challenge. There is no experience without mistakes. There is no progress without risk.
Michael Hauge(中文名:丘海君)
菁kids 2019 3-4月刊 《给孩子的设计》更多菁彩内容:
——访威雅公学模拟联合国指导老师Lindsay Taylor
本文原载菁kids 3-4月刊《给孩子的设计》,印刷版于2019年3月出版发行,扫描下方二维码,可进入TRM SHOP订阅。
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