文:Marcel Gauthier(上海美国学校校长)译:张雅舒
认同每个孩子的独特性:传统的教育模式把所有孩子都看作一块吸收知识的白板,但如今最好的方法是让孩子去经历他自己的学习历程,所以我们的教学应该鼓励并肯定每个学生各自的体验。例如,在上海美国学校,我们用瑞吉欧·艾米里亚(Reggio Emilia)的方法进行早期儿童教育,这一教学法的目的是鼓励孩子最大限度地发挥他们的创造力、好奇心、探索欲和表达欲。一个孩子越能感觉到他有表达内在好奇和探索精神的自主权,越是能变得自立。
Trust thyself; every heart vibrates to that iron string. (Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay “Self-Reliance.”)
Early in his essay titled “Self-Reliance,” Ralph Waldo Emerson emphasizes what he believes is a primary goal in life’s journey: to know ourselves, to accept ourselves as we are, and thereby have the power to express ourselves fully and meaningfully. Trust thyself, he says. Every heart vibrates to that iron string.
In these modern times where inter-connectedness defines our existence, it might seem anachronistic to talk about self-reliance, but I would argue that achieving self-reliance—in its broadest sense—is the starting point for all other endeavors. Without trust in oneself, how does one achieve satisfaction in friendships, family, work, or aspirations?
The importance of self-reliance is echoed in the pillars of a classical “liberal arts” education. The original intent of such education in ancient Greece was to provide knowledge and skills that would “free” an individual to live a meaningful life. The concept of arête was an educational ideal that spoke to achieving one’s individual potential in personal, moral, and communal terms.
We still use the term “liberal arts” to refer to that array of core subjects and competencies essential to life. They make up every student’s schedule from elementary through the college years. The underlying principle is that without efficacy in these subject areas, one remains bound by ignorance and therefore unable to do full justice to one’s inherent gifts in life and work.
But we understand today that achieving self-reliance demands much more than simply experiencing an array of core subject areas. How do we build that self-reliance in the 21st century?
Affirm the uniqueness of each child—Traditional pedagogy sees all children as more or less blank slates who absorb learning. But best practice today sees each child as experiencing their own learning journey. Our teaching therefore should invite and affirm this individual journey. For example, at SAS we use the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. This approach seeks to maximize the child’s creativity, sense of wonder, inherent desire to explore and self-express every day. The more a child feels empowered to express their innate qualities of curiosity and exploration, the more self-reliant they become.
Offer a dynamic and inspiring learning environment: Traditional classrooms offer desks in rows and the teacher at the front of the room delivering instruction. Today we create learning environments with the learner at the center of our thinking. They are open and inviting with movable furniture, places where students can collaborate or work on their own, and technology, research and presentation tools immediately at hand. Our recently completed Center for Inquiry & Design at SAS Puxi is a model of this thinking. Its open concept, flexibility, and access to both technology and hands-on tools maximizes opportunities to create, problem-solve, collaborate, and explore.
Provide a broad array of learning activities outside of the classroom: We know that the acquiring of 21st century skills such as leadership, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication do not simply occur in a classroom. They can occur on the stage, the athletic field, a studio, or a debate tournament. They can be provided by travel for cultural immersion, service, or research and exploration. The world outside the classroom is an extension of the learning environment. We maximize that opportunity at SAS with large open grounds, state of the art performance and athletic facilities, and multiple opportunities for students to find and express their passion. We know that every student is unique; finding an activity that inspires them and pursuing it is one way for our students to gain self-reliance.
Model innovation and risk taking: One of the most important ways a student learns to take risks and show courage is by seeing their mentors and teachers do the same. We as educators should be openly modeling the learning journey with our students: testing new ideas, being open to innovation and creative approaches, always seeking to grow our knowledge. We call ourselves at SAS a “community of continuous learners” and throughout the curriculum engage in an approach of inquiry-based and project-based pedagogy that allows our students to learn not just from our teachers, but with our teachers. Our Innovation Institute at SAS Puxi high school, for example, sets the standard for innovative education by bringing together a group of students and teachers who engage our curriculum fully through interdisciplinary projects that tackle world problems and questions. This experience compels students to see the relevance of learning and to seek out answers in response to a problem. They become self-reliant through gaining skills in collaboration, presentation, inquiry, and exploration.
We often mistake “self-reliance” as relying solely on the self. Not at all. It is only through building self-reliance that we learn best to work with others, to grow in compassion and integrity, and to risk making a difference in the world. The raising of self-reliance to an important educational ideal is in fact to work to lend each child the courage to identify and live their dreams.
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