

协和国际融合课程(SUIS East Meets West Curriculum)是协和双语学校的特色之一,是针对小学及初中阶段学生实施的中西融合课程,也使用了当下热门的PBL项目式学习模式。除了英语能力之外,也非常注重中文学习及包括地理、历史、传统文化在内的中华文化的培养。那么,他们究竟是怎么上课的呢?

In the second unit of Chinese learning, G1’s theme of RICE was highly welcomed by both teachers and students and parents.

在中文母语探究学习中,国际融合课程一年级的“米” 主题受到了协和师生和家长的一致欢迎。

Rice is one of the main food of the Chinese people. This theme begins with the natural phenomenon to guide our students to explore the relationship among the nature, the society and the self, followed by further probe into the Chinese literature and philosophy related.“米”是中国人的主要食物之一。这个主题从自然界的物象出发,以“物——器——道”的逻辑为进阶,引导孩子探究“自然——社会——自我”之间的关系,引发他们对中国文化“天人合一”本源的感悟。


Our children who now lives in the big city have easy access to the rich materials and enjoy the colorful media life. However, there are few opportunities for them to go back to the field and countryside and have a different experience where they can be close to the nature and use their hands to plant.  It is certainly an exciting journey to go to the countryside where they are able to explore how rice grow and build their emotional connection with the nature.
Upon the beginning of the UOI, our students went to the golden paddy field of Nanhui HaiChao Villiage, where they carried out the harvest rice cutting activities. Our children were happily dancing in the field and working with local farmers. What a joyful autumn festival! This was the first time for many of them who watched the transplanting machine and harvester working in the field. They enjoyed their experience of harvesting and rice hand-threshing. They also tied the Scarecrow and tasted the handmade rice dumplings they made by themselves.
As the theme for this UOI is “Rice”, the students carried out their inquiry into “rice” in various ways. They looked into the whole process of rice thoroughly, from its breeding and seedling to sowing and harvesting, and eventually from the field to our table.


Back to the classroom, the students put together their farming experience and carried out a spatio-temporal reconstruction of the “rice”. In terms of the timeline, they took the “Evolution of the Plow” as the main line and comb the development of Chinese agricultural culture. From the spatial point of view, a map of Chinese rice distribution was used to help with the basic concepts of geography, phenology and crops.
Based on this understanding, the whole study was gradually enriched with students exploring the relationship between the characters of rice words and the types of rice food to make the character learning from abstraction to concrete. From enquiries during the study of poems “Transplanter” and “Toiling Farmers”,e.g. “why backwards in Transplant means actually forward” and “why we say ‘every single grain is the fruit of hard work’” , the students were able to relate their previous rice field experience spontaneously to this and share their understanding without teacher’s further explanation.


The formative assessment at the end of the unit was a “rice show” exhibited by the students. They expressed all expressive methods they could think of, i.e. some paste out the character on the bamboo plaque with grains; some made a sand table to show the whole process of rice growth.
Some students used paper clay to carve out the development map of each stage of plow; and others who hand-painted pictures or replicated a small granary with straw and clay to show how fruitful the harvest is. Further than that, there was a group who even used paper box puppetry to present the poem “Toiling Farmers” with creativity.
The unit learning was not just over right after the exhibition. It certainly proved that the learning had a great impact. They would ask the visitors to participate in the activity of rice peeling in order to tell them that it took a lot of efforts for rice to grow and even more to peel. Through this experience, both the students and the visitors were immersed in empathy with a full understanding that every single grain is the fruit of hard work. It is believed that this must be an act from internal and thorough digestion of the knowledge and is also an excellent example of the “unity of knowledge and practice” that all education eventually expects to achieve.  

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