翻译:Emma Qi
Do your kids desire different things because of their lifestyles than you do? Many of us have kids that are adults and they might be doing things with their lives which you never planned – what are you able to do about it? Your years of knowledge can fall on deaf ears in this situation.
You thought that you had it all figured out
You may have gone to school and worked your way into a vocation early in your adulthood. Perhaps you were young in an era when it was normal to think that having and taking care of a home would be the American desire. The dream was to purchase a fixer-upper, work on it, sell it and use the money earned to pay for 50% of your next house. After a few years you use that income to pay for your next house and sell your second house.
You built that purpose and worked your way toward it. You began your household and committed to a good person. But when your kids grow up, they have different plans than continuing your dream.
Your children might not share your idea of the future
Well it is a new time, and also the guidelines have changed. This era has fresh suggestions and honestly, no matter if they are good plans or not, today people have to make changes in order to survive in a global economy which doesn’t work the same way it had previously.
Your tips are not outdated, but this generation is not hearing them, in the same manner they were heard by your generation. Your children will probably head to university; nevertheless they might wish to accomplish something outside of what they studied in the university when they move out. This could not be what you expected them to do, after all you have sacrificed and saved for their schooling so that they might have a nice career.
It might not be easy to accept that after acquiring their 4 year building engineering degree they want to work-in a floral store and learn how to arrange flowers.
Accept that it’s a new world
You’ve raised your kids to think in certain ways, hoping that they could learn from your errors. You made an effort to make their lives easier, so that they don’t have the tough problems to sort out. The stark reality is this is not just a new generation of adults; this is also a new millennium and a new world. Technology makes wishes come true which you could only dream about 30 years ago. You’ll find jobs that were not available when you were growing up which are really tempting.
This generation has a very different notion of what living really is about. Being focused on an long term career with hopes of retiring in the same firm is no longer an ideal anymore. If this is your policy for your child, give it up. Individuals are sometimes looking for a new career as they get bored by the present one.
In case your kid would rather rent a residence, and live from pay check to pay check then that is the way he will live. Homeownership is not all young adults’ aim for. An expensive vehicle or traveling could be what they really desire. Saving for college of their future kids may not possibly be considered as a part of the plan. Frankly having kids may possibly not be in their agenda at all.
假若你的孩子宁愿拿出部分工资去租房住,接受吧,那就是他想要的生活。房子已不再是这一代年轻人向往和奋斗的目标。反而一辆拉风的汽车或潇洒的旅行可能才是他们真正想要的。 为下一代存钱供他们上大学或许已不是他们生活目标的一部分了,坦白说,就连生孩子这件事说不定都根本不在他们的日程上。
The important thing is that they’re happy
Don’t place all your expectations and aspirations into planning your kids’s life. If they move off your path, you begin to worry, then you begin the lecturing and soon they stop coming over for Sunday dinner. Observing your children growing up within this new planet is not likely to be easy. But keep in mind that disappointment is just a part of achievement and although you wish they had designed their life really differently, they’re living their very own perfect life.
They’ll choose to back up themselves and they’ll fall in the same way you did, get up and try again. After all, weren’t you actually planning them to be independent, being those who work their approach through life with happiness. What you want is what they’re currently doing: trying to make themselves happy.
本文译自 Why Planning Your Child’s Future May Be Outdated,原载 www.lifehack.org
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